General Information
Welcome to Alhambra USD Family Dashboard for District Transfer Permits!
All requests will be checked for accuracy. Any falsification of information may result in your request not being processed and/or denied.
*Please also note that this website is optimized for IE 10.0 and higher, Safari, Chrome and Firefox.
How to Videos:
Available for 2025-2026
Available for 2024-2025
This is an official application process. The information contained in this online application should be considered private.
We are now completing the Student Transfer Requests process online. This process will take approximately 20-25 minutes. To complete the online application request, we will ask you to upload any documentation. Please gather all required documentation before starting the application process. Your applicaiton will not be considered complete until all required documentation has been uploaded.
Required Documentation (if applicable to the request):
- Special Education Services Documentation
- Child Care (Grades K-5 Only)
- Proof of employment of all parents/guardians who are involved in the student’s life on a day-to-day basis
- Copy of a recent pay stub, letter on the employer’s stationery verifying schedule (hours and days) and location of employment, or if self-employed, letter stating schedule (hours and days) and location of employment
- Letter from the adult, center or organization providing child care
- Name, address and contact information of the adult, center or organization (proof of address of family member/adult who will be providing childcare.
- Child care license number and fees, if applicable
- Hours of operation for the center or organization, or hours that the student is under care
- Length of time student has been under care by the adult, center or organization
- Proof of address of person providing care
- Letter from parent/guardian explaining the circumstances that an interdistrict permit is necessary under child care reasons
- Local and school site child care options investigated
- Proof of parent/guardians’s home address (e.g. utility bill)
- Copy of release from the school district of residence (if incoming from out-of-district)
- Student’s report card/Transcript
- Sibling
- Name, grade and school where the sibling attends (sibling must already attend the proposed district of attendance)
- Copy of the sibling’s last report card and the sibling’s release permit from the district of residence (If applying for interdistrict permit)
- Proof of parent/guardian's home address (e.g. utility bill)
- Copy of release from the school district of residence (if incoming from out-of-district)
- Student’s report card/Transcript
- Health & Safety
- Letter or report from a doctor, psychologist, or other appropriate person verifying health-related issues (if applicable)
- Police or school report supporting safety-related issues (if applicable) related directly to the student
- Letter from parent/guardian explaining the circumstance that an interdistrict permit is necessary under health and safety reasons
- Proof of address (e.g. utility bill)
- Copy of release from the school district of residence (if incoming from out-of-district)
- Student’s report card/Transcript
- Specialized Program
- Copy of the flyer, brochure, or other informational material detailing the specialized program in which the student is interested, with documentation of acceptance
- Letter from parent/guardian expressing the extent of the student’s interest in the specialized program, and how the program is either unavailable or not comparable at the district of residence
- Proof of address (e.g. utility bill)
- Copy of release from the school district of residence (if incoming from out-of-district)
- Student’s report card/Transcript
- Continuing Enrollment
- Statement of enrollment history
- Letter explaining the request
- Proof of address (e.g. utility bill)
- Copy of release from the school district of residence (if incoming from out-of-district)
- Student’s report card/Transcript
- Final Year
- Copy of the student’s last report card
- Proof of address (e.g. utility bill)
- Copy of release from the school district of residence (if incoming from out-of-district)
- Student’s report card/Transcript
- Change in Residence
- Copy of escrow documents or rental agreement
- Proof of address (e.g. utility bill)
- Copy of release from the school district of residence (if incoming from out-of-district)
- Student’s report card/Transcript
Alhambra USD
1515 West Mission Road
Alhambra, CA 91803
Phone: (626) 943-3460
Website: https://www.ausd.us/permit/
For Technical Support:
Scribbles Software
Email: help@scribsoft.com
Business Hours
Monday - Friday
7:30 AM - 4:30 PM PST